Veteran writers train studes on campus journ

At least 65 student writers from the different student publications and colleges of Ifugao State University (IFSU) attended the University-wide Campus Journalism Seminar-Workshop on October 3-5, 2019 at the Multi -purpose Hall of the CCS Building and IFSU Review Center, IFSU-Lamut Campus.

Dr. Camilo Pimentel, IFSU Lamut Campus Executive Director, said that the university needs writers because it is through them and writing that the university's accomplishments are being recognized outside.

Alfred P. Dizon, Editor-in-Chief of the Northern Philippine Times, served as the guest speaker for the first day of the training. He lectured on News Writing, Copy Reading, Editorial Writing, Headline Writing, and Opinion Writing.

Moreover, Mr. Jogin Rey Tamayo, a former writer and cartoonist of Baguio Midland Courier, shared his expertise in Sports Writing and Editorial Cartooning. Juman Kevin Tindo, Editor-in- Chief and the founder of Icon Magazine lectured on Feature Writing and Development Communication Writing to the participants.

Mr. Eladio “JJ” G. Landingin, a photojournalist of the Manila Bulletin, trained the participants on photojournalism and captioning on the last day of the seminar-workshop.

The writing and photojournalism skills of the participants were tested through an hour-workshop ater every lecture. The outputs were later critiqued by the respective resource speaker.

The three-day journalism seminar-workshop is a collaborative activity of the Department of Communication, Public and International Affairs and The Upland Farm, the official student publication of IFSU Main Campus.//by:Allen Jefrick Aquino